Public Visitors

This website uses

  • storage of contact details for SBU, district and club officials specifically email addresses (hidden from public view via the Joomla! Contacts system), telephone and address details where appropriate
  • online registration for bridge events held in the East District including email and telephone details.  This information is visible to event conveners and other district representatives and is not displayed on the public web site.  These details are removed manually from the database after a reasonable time has elapsed since the event, to allow any post event checking of information that may be deemed useful.  Records of registration may be kept on file to assist with planning of future versions of events.  These details are kept under the control of the tournament convener who can check, alter or delete them as appropriate.  You may request removal of any such personal data at any time by contacting the tournament convener or the website administrator
  • google invisible recaptcha to verify you are human when registering for an event or using the contact system
  • google analytics for anonymous traffic monitoring

Personal data is never collected when viewing the website. 


For editors and other registered users who have a need to log in we store the following information:

  • name
  • email address
  • telephone number where given and appropriate
  • address where given and appropriate

These details are under the control of the logged in user who can check, alter or delete them as appropriate.